Painting Cornwall Avenue north to south
Pierre Barlow Cornwall (1821-1904) ... "He was the prime mover in the establishment of both the Bellingham Bay and British Columbia Railroad Companies, the founder of the water works, electric light and the big mill. He has always been enthusiastic in the belief of the resources of the county, in the perfection of our harbor and in the possibility of building here a city the equal of any on the coast. I am sure it can be said of him that he has favored the most liberal treatment toward everything that tended towards the development of the moral and intellectual standard of the people here. Assisted by local people he established the first public library in this city and has given not only much property but donations in books and has aided its maintenance.
Painting State Street north to south
The 1920s were an especially prosperous time for the commercial Elk Street corridor. An important addition, bridging the original town of Sehome on the southern part of Elk Street with the second commercial corridor to the north, was the Gothic-style Bellingham Herald Building (built 1926), of steel construction faced in terra cotta and stone, at the corner of Elk and Chestnut Streets. After the Herald graced the city with this elegant six story-building, 50 merchants on Elk Street petitioned the City Council to change the street's name to the more metropolitan "State" Street, which was accomplished on April 13, 1926. The new Herald quarters added to the stock of distinguished State Street buildings dating back to the early 1900s. The Sehome Neighborhood - Then and Now
Happy homes in Bellingham
Send me an email to arrange a painting of your happy home
La Fiamma, 200 E. Chestnut Street
641 W Holly Street, October 14, 2015
Bellingham Theatre Guild, October 5, 2015
Rocket Donuts, September 28, 2015
E. Chestnut St at Railroad Ave., September 23, 2015
1342 Bay Street, Bellingham. September 11, 2015
Quist Violins, 320 W. Champion St, August 27, 2015
Fussner building, 1431 N. State street, July 20, 2015
Little Cheerful, 133 E. Holly St., August 19, 2015
Public market, 1530 Cornwall Ave., July 13, 2015
158 W Champion Street, July 17, 2015
Views of Squalicum Harbor
Bellingham Food Trucks
Views of the Bellingham Herald building
State and Chestnut streets, Bellingham, WA 98225
The Herald Building was built in 1926 as an eight-story office building. It houses The Bellingham Herald newspaper's main offices on the first and second floors; tenant businesses occupy the upper floors. The lit sign atop the building served sailors as a navigation aid for many years.
Views of the Mount Baker Theater
104 North Commercial Street, Bellingham, WA 98225
"The visually dominant feature of this strikingly bright building is the red tiled roof of the marquee tower that displays the theatre's name." Historic resources. Buildings 21-25
Views of the Whatcom Museum of History and Art
121 Prospect St, Bellingham, WA 98225
The Whatcom Museum was originally built in 1892 as the city hall for the former town of New Whatcom, before it was joined with surrounding towns to form Bellingham.